Centipede identification for pest control in ME, MA, and NH


Centipedes are usually yellowish to dark brown in color and range in length from 1/8 – 6 inches. Their bodies are flat and have 10 to 177 segments. Centipedes usually have one pair of legs per segment.

Modern’s HomeCare Green Pest Control Program protects against common pests in New England that pose risks to your property and well-being.

What is the Centipede's Diet?

The centipede’s main diet consists of insects, spiders, and other arthropods.

What is the Centipede's Reproductive Cycle?

Centipedes generally lay about 35 eggs in the summer. The newly hatched centipede has only four pairs of legs, and after each molt the number of body segments and legs increases. Depending on the species, the centipede can live from 1 to 5 years.

Where do Centipedes Live?

Preferring damp, moist areas, centipedes are frequently found in basements, storage areas, and bathrooms. Outdoors, they tend to be under an accumulation of leaves, under stones, decaying firewood, or mulch. They are generally active at night. Although centipedes can bite, the bite is seldom worse than a bee sting.

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