Getting Cozy with T•A•P™

T•A•P™ — or thermal acoustical pest control insulation — is an insulation and pest control solution rolled into one. T•A•P™ is eco-friendly, made primarily from ground-up recycled newspaper treated with a borate solution that controls common household pests such as ants, centipedes, and termites. It also contains a fire retardant for safety. As a loose fill, it is installed by being blown into walls or in attics, sometimes on top of existing insulation.
You can choose T•A•P™ anytime you need insulation. Modern professionals use T•A•P™ when replacing damaged insulation after a pest problem has been resolved. Its pest control properties offer further reassurance. You can also choose to use T•A•P™ if you are building a new house or simply making your house more energy-efficient. It is estimated that two-thirds of U.S. homes do not have the recommended amount of attic insulation. T•A•P™ insulation can be applied on top of existing attic insulation to keep your house cozy. See to determine the minimum R-values required and recommended for your area. (If you can see your joists, you likely need more insulation.)

Advantages of T•A•P™ Over Fiberglass

T•A•P™ offers better acoustical control, is resistant to mold and mildew, and provides pest protection. Plus, because its fibers are more dense than fiberglass, it slows the passage of heat better.

Is T•A•P™ insulation safe?

The pesticide in T•A•P™ is borate, a mineral salt from the earth. Borate is used in many products and though deadly to insects, poses minimal risk to people and pets. Also, because T•A•P™ is blown into walls and in attics, people and pets in the home have little to no contact with the insulation.

Where can I find T•A•P™?

Because T•A•P™ is regulated, it can be installed only by licensed pest management professionals. Call Modern Pest Services at 1-800-323-7378 for more information and to schedule a free estimate.