Keep Out the Riff-Raff: Prevent Nuisance Wildlife in Your Home

The walls of our homes are meant to keep us safe inside, and keep the riff-raff outside. But sometimes nuisances like local wildlife have a way of sneaking past the barriers and turning our homes into their home. As experts in wildlife control in North Conway, New Hampshire and other areas of New England, Modern Pest Services has put together some tips to keep raccoons, skunks, squirrels and bats from nesting in your nest.

Tips to Keeping Nuisance Wildlife Out of Your Home:

Raccoons are attracted by food and are very destructive in their process of finding it. Skunks mainly live in the yard, but can get in through open garage doors. Some bats like to nest in the basements of homes, causing quite a scare for homeowners. Once nuisance wildlife make their way in, it’s tough to get them out.

Follow these tips to prevent wildlife from getting in:

    • Buy sealable outdoor trashcans and keep them closed at all times as to not attract animals near your home. If they’re still getting in, secure the lid with a rope or bungee cord.
    • Install a fire-safe cap around the top of your chimney to block the entrance point
    • Keep tree limbs trimmed 6-8 feet away from your house so squirrels can’t jump from the trees onto your roof
    • Small holes near your foundation or roofline invite in squirrels and bats. Modern Pest’s exclusion techniques can help you find and plug those holes.
    • Avoid putting pet food outside

Out of all of these nuisance pests, squirrels are by far the worst. Not only do they destructively burrow and chew, but they can quickly multiply throughout your house. If they’re already in your home, call Modern Pest squirrel control in North Conway, New Hampshire for expert removal. Modern Pest also services many other pest problems across the northeast, including areas in Maine and Massachusetts. Give Modern Pest a call to resolve your pest problem today!