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What’s Buzzing Around Your Home?

What’s Buzzing Around Your Home?

By: Matthew Campbell As a pest management professional, it doesn’t surprise me that most people don’t know the difference between a paper wasp, a yellowjacket, a hornet, and a cicada killer. When one’s buzzing around our children or nesting around our home, our instinct isn’t to stop and wonder. But if you are curious, here’s how… Read more »

When to Treat Your Yard for Deer Ticks

When to Treat Your Yard for Deer Ticks

Updated November 2017. We all get the heebie-jeebies when we see a tick crawling up our legs. The feeling is worse when one is embedded in our skin. People call Modern Pest Services expressing how they’re scared to step foot in their own yards. No one should have to worry about being outside on their own property.… Read more »

Are You A Mosquito Magnet?

Are You A Mosquito Magnet?

Have you ever noticed that you get bitten by mosquitoes just by stepping out of your home in the summer time? If the buzzing biters are chasing you indoors during the summer time, but your friends and family members seem unbothered by these pests, it may not just be your imagination; you may actually be a mosquito magnet! Well, not literally, but there may be things about your habits or your physical make-up that make you more attractive to biting mosquitoes. There is evidence to show that both your metabolism and your unique body chemistry can play an important part in determining how much of a mosquito magnet you are.

Fire Ant Infestations In Maine

Fire Ant Infestations In Maine

If you are seeing tiny, reddish colored ants around your property, you may have a fire ant infestation. Eastern European fire ants were first introduced to Maine from Northern Europe via shipments of plant material. Today, homeowners must watch out for these small but mighty insects that pack a powerful sting.

New England’s 5Th Season

New England’s 5Th Season

If you’re like most people, you enjoy the summer here in New England but dread the insects that come with it. The worst insect, according to most New Englanders would probably be the mosquito and they’ve proved to be awful this year. People joke that there are really 5 seasons of the year, with the fifth being mosquito season.

Gear Up For A Busy Tick Season In Maine

Gear Up For A Busy Tick Season In Maine

If you have been watching the news recently, you may have heard that this season is expected to see high levels in tick populations and thus more cases of Lyme disease. Deer ticks in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts are known to transmit Lyme disease which is why we want to help New England residents avoid tick bites and the potential transmission of Lyme disease.

Deer Ticks And Lyme Disease In New England

Deer Ticks And Lyme Disease In New England

Every spring, just when the temperatures across New England are warm enough to start hiking, gardening, and camping, we also find that the threat of tick bites and Lyme disease increase. So in perfect timing, the National Pest Management Association has deemed May, Lyme Disease Awareness Month. If you are unaware of the relationship between tick bites and Lyme disease in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and many other areas across the country, read on to learn more!

Removing Wasps from Your Property

Removing Wasps from Your Property

Wasps are a common summer time pest for many homeowners. The best way to deal with them is by eliminating their nests. Make sure to call an experienced pest control service in order to avoid harming your home, yourself or your family.

May Marks Worst Month for Termites in New England

May Marks Worst Month for Termites in New England

Flowers are beginning to bloom and warmer weather is upon us, two sure signs of spring. May also marks the worst month for termites in New England and pest experts are reminding residents living in Southern New Hampshire and Massachusetts, where termites are prevalent, to be aware of their potential harm. Termites and the damage… Read more »