Pest control alternative uses heat to eradicate unwanted house guests!

Thermal Remediation is becoming more popular as an alternative solution to eliminate common household pests. Also called Heat Treatment, this new green technique is designed to kill pests and termites, all by using dry heat.

No more tents, chemicals, or evacuation needed. Heat is elevated to a range of 120 degrees to 150 degrees inside the location, for up to 8 hours. The lethal temperatures suffocate drywood termites, Bed Bugs, beetles, cockroaches, and their eggs, ensuring there are no survivors.

The sauna like temperatures are even too hot for most bacteria, odors and fungi to survive. The Heat Remediation Treatment sterilizes the entire location as a pleasant side effect, as it destroys all mold and unwanted organisms. Air is cleaner and safer after this quick 8 hour process.

Modern Pest now offers Heat Treatments for commercial and residential locations. Contact Modern Pest for more details.

Thermal Remediation is a fast and effective pest solution.