Protect your home from Surinam cockroach infestations

Surinam Cockroaches

The female Surinam cockroach is about 3/4 – 1 inch in length. They are mostly brown, except for some yellow along the front and side margins.

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What is the Surinam Cockroach's Diet?

Surinam cockroaches feed on plants, and can cause considerable damages in greenhouses and atriums.

What is the Surinam Cockroach Reproductive Cycle?

The female Surinam cockroach produces eggs without fertilization by a male cockroach. The female carries her egg capsule inside, until the young emerge. On average, the capsule contains 26 eggs, and the female can produce a new capsule 48 to 82 days later.

Where do Surinam Cockroaches Live?

Surinam cockroaches are burrowing insects and prefer loose soil or loose litter. They thrive in hot and humid conditions such as Florida and Texas. Surinam cockroaches are often introduced to greenhouses, zoos and offices by potted plants. Hiding during the day, they can go unnoticed until the population has grown quite large.

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