Now that businesses are reopening, it’s the responsibility of business owners to create a reopening strategy that keeps the health and safety of clients and employees paramount. The United States federal government has set guidelines they recommend all businesses follow. With that in mind, here are three suggested phases that business owners can implement to safely and successfully reopen.
Phase 1
- Establish a safety procedure training method to use for all employees.
- Be sure the reopening timeline is clearly laid out for employees and clients.
- Learn what the best tools are to help your employees work effectively and safely, such as sanitizing stations, masks, gloves, and floor markings.
- Continue to encourage telework and allow employees to work remotely, if possible.
- Thoroughly clean and disinfect high-traffic areas and surfaces like light switches and door knobs. Professional treatments like Modern Pest’s Disinfection and Sanitizing Service can effectively eliminate viruses, including COVID-19, and bacteria that cause illness.
- Schedule a pest inspection from a pest control professional like Modern Pest. If a business has been closed because of COVID-19, disease-carrying pests like mice, rats, cockroaches, and flies have had the opportunity to move in. Modern Pest can identify any pest issues and establish a pest control plan.
To get a free, custom Disinfection and Sanitizing quote over the phone, call 1-800-323-7378 or click here.
Phase 2
- Continue to encourage remote when possible.
- Encourage and enforce social distancing protocols. Close common areas, removes tables and chairs from breakrooms, and limit the amount of people in shared spaces at one time.
- Allow for custom accommodations for at-risk employees.
- Utilize a program like Modern’s Disinfection and Sanitizing Service to treat common and high-traffic areas. Modern can establish a recurring treatment plan to disinfection and sanitize your business on a regular basis.
Phase 3
- Resume unrestricted staffing at worksites
- Adhere to limited social distancing protocols in large venues.
- Maintain a recurring schedule of disinfecting and sanitizing to retain cleanliness.
- Continue to use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and masks.
- Routinely check the temperatures of employees upon arrival.
- Maintain handwashing protocols. Encourage frequent handwashing and keep hand sanitizing stations near exits and entrances.
- Install signage that clearly indicates exits and entrances and handwashing and sanitizing stations. Implement floor markings to indicate 6-foot distances that comply with social distancing regulations.
- Set up a workplace visitor system. Have a sign-in sheet to track each individual who entered your location and came in contact with the staff. Coordinate who will be in the location at all times to avoid overcrowding.
Call 1-800-323-7378 to learn more about our Disinfection and Sanitizing Services today, or click here for a free, custom quote over the phone.
Protect Your Business & Your Clients During COVID-19
At Modern Pest, we put the safety of our clients and employees first. And we know you do the same. Reopening safely will benefit you and the community you serve. Our Disinfection and Sanitizing Service can help you get your business safely back on track when you reopen, and maintain cleanliness on a regular basis after that.