Fleas. You know – those very tiny blood feeding insects, usually about the size of a sesame seed? Fleas. Once they have set up residence in your house, they are tough to get rid of. And no wonder, fleas are hard and flat, making them tough to squish, they can survive months without feeding, and they reproduce rapidly, laying up to 50 eggs a day! Ugh… fleas.
Fleas prefer to snack and live on our furry friends but as you may have already noticed… they will also feed on humans. Bites can be very irritating, both to pets and people alike. The problem with identifying flea bites, as opposed to other insect bites, or even common rashes, is they can all look and feel very similar.
As a result, it is important to note that without a positive flea ID, you can not truly attribute bites or these symptoms to fleas. Therefore, you should not assume, if you have these symptoms, that it is a flea bite.
If you have seen fleas on you and suspect that you have fleas, here are a few tips to help you recognize the possibility of a flea bite and at the very least treat those annoying bites.
Flea Bite Identification*
*symptoms can vary from person to person & be similar to other insect bites or rashes.
Did you see what bit you? If not, first look for confirmation of fleas – on you, your furniture or your pets
Bites may appear as small, red bumps
A red “halo” around the bite center may be found
Bites can be in clusters of three or four, or in a straight line
Flea bites often appear around the ankles or legs, waist, armpits, breasts, groin, or in the folds of the elbows and knees
Flea Bite Symptoms
Bites are usually itchy and often red
They may even become sore or painful
Some people are more sensitive to flea bites and may even develop hives or a rash near the bite
Flea Bite Treatment
Avoid scratching the bites, which could cause infections and further irritation
Over-the-counter anti-itch creams and antihistamine medications can be applied to the bite site
Flea bites will heal on their own if left alone
And of course, seek the advice of your doctor if symptoms continue
More importantly – if you can get rid of the fleas – you can get rid of the flea bites. While there are several do-it-yourself treatment options out there, because fleas are so hardy and quick to reproduce… these DIY treatments often just won’t cut it.
If you do have pets, calling your veterinarian for flea treatment is an excellent first step toward a flea free home. Next, calling a pest control professional will help you manage the flea infestation that is already setting up shop in your home. Experts will recommend sanitizing your home thoroughly before performing a treatment. Furthermore, daily vacuuming for 2-3 weeks following the treatment will ensure that hidden flea eggs do not create a new infestation. Also, make sure after vacuuming that you empty the contents and remove them from the house, so the fleas don’t just escape back into your home.
If you find that your home has turned into a flea circus, don’t wait, call Modern Pest Services. We live and work in the neighborhoods we service and are committed to protecting our clients’ homes and businesses, as well as the environment.