Modern Pest is now offering disinfection and sanitizing treatments to the general public. This treatment uses materials that are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for effective elimination of viruses and as an effective treatment method against the current coronavirus (COVID-19) and bacterial infections.
Our expert selection of broad-spectrum disinfectant is designed to sanitize inanimate environmental surfaces such as floors, walls, structures, ventilation, and other equipment. We sanitize your home by delivering a disinfection solution via misting service, enabling us to sterilize large areas in short periods of time, achieving maximum effectiveness and minimal downtime for your home.
Contact us today for an instant quote by phone or email. We are scheduling services today!
How Does Disinfection Work?
The disinfection application is dispersed in fine micron particles that appear to hang in the air as they slowly settle onto all surfaces. This results in the surfaces becoming moist for a short period after the treatment. This period is when the disinfectant takes action and the surface must be left to dry.
Homeowners must vacate their home for two hours following completion of the application, dependent on the ventilation of the home, to allow the product to settle.
We recommend treatment take place weekly or bi-weekly to decrease the spread of viruses and bacteria. Contact us to schedule a treatment plan today.
Treatment Preparation Steps
- Remove any materials that could be damaged by moisture like paperwork and artwork.
- ALL food items and medications MUST be removed from the area.
- Food containers and utensils should be placed away in cupboards or drawers.
- All electrical equipment should be covered with plastic (e.g. TVs and computers).
- All HVAC systems & pilot lights must be shut off.
- All smoke detectors must be deactivated or covered.
- Any items being covered or removed should be sanitized prior with a safe product such as an alcohol-based wipe or aerosol spray.
- Please allow clear access for our technicians and remove any trip hazards.
- If your site has fish tanks, please ask us for additional guidance on these.
Post Treatment Steps
Apart from enjoying peace of mind for you and your family, the following quick housekeeping tips should be noted for continued success between disinfection services.
- Advise family members to dry any remaining moisture with a paper towel which is then disposed of. Direct contact with hands or other parts of the body should be avoided.
- Wash any food/drinking containers before use if they were left in an exposed location.
- Ensure any new materials brought back into the area are properly sanitized.
Contact our specialists today to schedule a treatment for your home.