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Rats are still on the Rise in the Northeast

Rats are still on the Rise in the Northeast

Since 2010, city officials and rodent control across the upper northeast have been flooded with calls about rats taking over homes and businesses. While some cities like nearby Somerville have managed to gain control of the issue, cities as far away as Berkshire, NY, and as near as Quincy have reported significant problems. Here in… Read more »

What’s That Racket in My Attic?

What’s That Racket in My Attic?

By: Matthew Campbell If you’ve heard chewing, scratching, rolling, or scampering from the attic then you know just how disconcerting it is. What’s up there? Is there more than one? How much damage are they causing? Raccoons are nocturnal, so you will probably hear them hiss, wrestle, scamper, and scratch at night. Early in the spring, pregnant females… Read more »

Rodent Control in Woburn, Massachusetts

Rodent Control in Woburn, Massachusetts

Imagine living in San Francisco, where news reports indicate a woman, known as “Rat girl,” has been breeding and releasing rats into the city streets for years! Fortunately, most of us aren’t directly affected by this woman’s unusual pastime. On the other hand, homeowners do need to be aware of the signs of a rodent… Read more »

5 Pests That Also Love Your Warm Home

5 Pests That Also Love Your Warm Home

By: Matthew Campbell Yep, it’s cold out there. Snow’s on the ground. Icicles hang from eaves. It’s officially winter. Around this time of year, a lot of people inquire about the usefulness of pest control. All the pests are dead, aren’t they? Well, not exactly. If they all died then we wouldn’t have an issue… Read more »

How Mice Can Squeeze Into Your Home

How Mice Can Squeeze Into Your Home

Updated October 2017. Dr. Bobby Corrigan, Urban Rodentologist, and Entomologist indicated recently at our fall training seminar that if a #2 pencil can fit into a hole or crack, so can a mouse. That’s because they have collapsible skeletons, right? Wrong, but that is a common misnomer. And it’s easy to believe when you consider… Read more »

One Man’s Clutter Is A Pest’s Home

One Man’s Clutter Is A Pest’s Home

Okay, so that’s not really how the old adage goes but just the same it’s true. The clutter that we so skillfully pile up in our attic, garage, basement and other storage areas are likely to become home to opportunistic pests. And, with the holidays just behind us, we’re sure that there is even more clutter around these days.

Organizing Your Attic Can Prevent Pest Problems In The New Year

Organizing Your Attic Can Prevent Pest Problems In The New Year

Perhaps your New Year’s resolution is to organize your home including the slightly intimidating attic. This particular storage area catches all those odds and ends that don’t necessarily have a place in other rooms and though not often visited, the attic deserves your attention especially as this is where pests often make their home, uninvited of course.

What Makes Mice More Than A Nuisance

What Makes Mice More Than A Nuisance

Well, it is officially fall for us Northerners and that means it is time to pay close attention to any pests that may be lurking near your property and trying to get inside your warm home. Mice and other rodents are among many of the common fall pests affecting homes in New England. And did you know that mice in the house could be not only a nuisance but also a danger to you and your family?

Fall Pests Begin To Seek Shelter In New England

Fall Pests Begin To Seek Shelter In New England

While the fall season is all about foliage, plaid, and the arrival of pumpkin coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts for us in New England, to many pests the fall season signals the need to find a warm place to spend the winter. If you have not already pest proofed your home for fall pests, now is the time that you may begin to have problems with spiders, cockroaches, and rodents. The good news is that it is not too late to implement pest prevention strategies now to prevent future pest problems later this fall and into the winter months.

Cold Weather Brings Mice and Other Rodents Indoors

Cold Weather Brings Mice and Other Rodents Indoors

By Melissa Hamel  Although the recent snow fall has been well received by those who enjoy skiing, snowmobiling and other outdoor winter activities, it has left mice, squirrels, and other rodents out in the cold and scrambling for warmth and shelter.  If you are suddenly hearing the pitter-patter of little feet in your walls or ceilings,… Read more »