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European Hornets: Everything You Need to Know

European Hornets: Everything You Need to Know

It’s European Hornet season again! European Hornet activity begins in Spring, when the fertilized queen seeks a new nest site for her colony.  As more workers hatch throughout the summer, the colonies grow. They become a significant problem by mid- to late-summer when the colonies reach their peak numbers. Hornets are social insects and will… Read more »

What Health Threats do Pests Pose?

What Health Threats do Pests Pose?

  Pests can be very damaging to your home. They can chew through wires, gnaw on furniture, infest wood, and generally be unsettling to live amongst. But did you know they can also pose a serious threat to your health? Understanding the health threats that pest infestations can cause is very important. Cockroaches, rodents, fleas,… Read more »

Are Wasps and Hornets Bugging you this Fall?

Are Wasps and Hornets Bugging you this Fall?

The other day I went apple picking with friends and their kids. There was an apple festival going on, featuring food stands, hayrides, live music, and more. Unfortunately, there was a huge stinging insect presence as well. My friend’s son put on his sweatshirt and was stung on the arm by a yellowjacket wasp that… Read more »

Caitlin Houston’s Guest Blog

Caitlin Houston’s Guest Blog

Modern’s next guest blog is by our partner Caitlin Houston. Caitlin’s website is Caitlin Houston and she’s on Facebook and Instagram as @caitlinhoustonblog. She lives in Connecticut with her husband and two daughters. Recently, Caitlin detailed how her family got ready for Memorial Day weekend. But this great advice can be applied all summer long! Caitlin’s Blog… Read more »

How to Deal with a Wasp Nest

How to Deal with a Wasp Nest

You see a nest on your property. There are stinging insects flying around it, and you definitely don’t want to get stung. So, what are they, and how can Modern Pest help you get rid of them? Whose nest is it? Nests are built by social wasps. The most commonly-found social wasps in New England… Read more »

What Pests Will You Encounter on Your New Hampshire Vacation?

What Pests Will You Encounter on Your New Hampshire Vacation?

With its state and national parks, beaches, lakes, and amusement parks, New Hampshire is a major summer vacation destination. While this all sounds like a lot of fun, there are a variety of pests you’ll encounter while you’re camping, kayaking, RV-ing, and riding the roller coaster. And if you have a summer home in New… Read more »

When the Weather Warms, Spring Pests Emerge

When the Weather Warms, Spring Pests Emerge

Spring’s mix of warmth and moisture is practically an alarm clock for pests to emerge from their overwintering spots. Activity increases inside and outside of homes as pests seek food and water. Many are looking to mate. The warmer weather also wakes up pests that are already inside your walls from last fall. Some will… Read more »

What Insect Sting Hurts the Most?

What Insect Sting Hurts the Most?

Sacrificing for Science Entomology is the study of insects, and Modern Pest employs several highly-skilled entomologists. They train and advise our Service Professionals so they can be experts in the field. Entomologists study insect environments and behaviors, and entomologist Justin Schmidt has become an expert on one particular insect behavior: stinging. Schmidt works at the… Read more »

The Do’s and Don’ts of DIY Wasp Control

The Do’s and Don’ts of DIY Wasp Control

Dealing with a wasp nest is no joke. Not that you probably need convincing. These angry little buggers are well known to be fierce, territorial and frankly quite painful to encounter. Yet rather than leave it to a professional – many still opt to face these ill-tempered creatures head on. Let’s just say they like… Read more »

Why the Fuss over Fire Ants?

Why the Fuss over Fire Ants?

Imagine it’s a beautiful summer day in New England- the sun is bright and warm, and perhaps there’s even a faint coastal breeze. You’re playing with your children outside when suddenly you feel sharp, painful stings all over your leg. You look down, expecting a hornet or wasp, and see your leg covered with tiny… Read more »