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The Modern Guide to Termites

The Modern Guide to Termites

It’s that time of year to check for termites, so it’s no surprise that we are hearing news of termite swarms in northeast states like Massachusetts and Connecticut. Use this Modern Guide to Termites to determine if you have these damaging pests in your home, and when it’s time to call a professional What Do… Read more »

Termite Swarmers are Emerging Soon

Termite Swarmers are Emerging Soon

Spring is the time of year when termites become more active in New England and homeowners should take steps to protect their homes from these destructive pests. Termites are social insects that live in large colonies, which can contain between 60,000 and a million individuals. They feed on cellulose, which is found in wood, paper,… Read more »

What Pests Will You Encounter on Your New Hampshire Vacation?

What Pests Will You Encounter on Your New Hampshire Vacation?

With its state and national parks, beaches, lakes, and amusement parks, New Hampshire is a major summer vacation destination. While this all sounds like a lot of fun, there are a variety of pests you’ll encounter while you’re camping, kayaking, RV-ing, and riding the roller coaster. And if you have a summer home in New… Read more »

What are Termite Swarmers?

What are Termite Swarmers?

The first signs of termite season are swarmers. Swarmers are winged young adult male and female termites that have left to start a new colony. Swarmers are also called reproductives. Termites can cause $5 billion in damage annually, and it’s usually not covered by insurance. Keep reading to find out more about swarmers, and how… Read more »

Is a Carpenter Ant Invasion on the Way?

Is a Carpenter Ant Invasion on the Way?

Experts predict that 2019 could be a busy season for carpenter ants. “A winter with a large snowpack usually leads to an uptick in carpenter ant activity in the spring,” said Joe Hyland, one of Modern Pest’s Associate Certified Entomologists (A.C.E.). Snowfall totals throughout Maine were above average, with Northern Maine well above average. Snowpack… Read more »

When the Weather Warms, Spring Pests Emerge

When the Weather Warms, Spring Pests Emerge

Spring’s mix of warmth and moisture is practically an alarm clock for pests to emerge from their overwintering spots. Activity increases inside and outside of homes as pests seek food and water. Many are looking to mate. The warmer weather also wakes up pests that are already inside your walls from last fall. Some will… Read more »

What You Should Know About Termites

What You Should Know About Termites

Termite Awareness Week is usually the second week of March. It’s a national observance where the pest control industry educates the public about termite risk and prevention. Following an unusually warm winter, professionals are predicting an early termite season. Termites are one of the most destructive pests and can cause $5 billion in damage annually.… Read more »

Are Those Winged Carpenter Ants in Your Home?

Are Those Winged Carpenter Ants in Your Home?

Swarms of winged ants flying around inside and outside of your home are not a fun way to kick off warmer weather. You want them gone, and Modern Pest can help. But what are they, and what damage are they doing to your house? Most likely, they are carpenter ants. In New England, black carpenter… Read more »

Uncovering Pests in Real Estate Inspections

Uncovering Pests in Real Estate Inspections

 “You’ve got pests.” Now What? The busy spring real estate market is in full swing. Buying a home, whether it’s your first or where you’ll retire, is an exciting time. There are so many things to think about. What will your design style be? Are you buying brand-new furniture, antiques, or taking whatever the relatives… Read more »

Fire Ants, Carpenter Ants, and Flying Ants, OH MY!

Fire Ants, Carpenter Ants, and Flying Ants, OH MY!

Have you been outside recently?  I know the calendar still says “Spring,” but 95° and humid is as summer as you can get here in New England. With the arrival of these high temperatures, several other life forms tend to follow soon after. ANTS As movie studios would have you believe, ants can either be… Read more »