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Rodent Control: A History

Rodent Control: A History

Humans have been searching for solutions to mouse infestations for millennia. These persistent pests have plagued civilizations across the globe, sparking innovation in methods to protect food, belongings, and health from rodent damage. Late Upper Paleolithic Era: No grains, No Gains The common house mouse (Mus musculus ) population began to spread from its native… Read more »

How The House Mouse Took Over The World

How The House Mouse Took Over The World

 The house mouse, known scientifically as Mus musculus, is one of the most ubiquitous pests on the planet. Originating in Southwestern Asia, this bothersome rodent can now be found on every continent except Antarctica. But how did it become one of the most prolific invasive species of all time? The answer is closely tied to… Read more »

Fall Invaders: How to Keep Your Attic Critter-Free 

Fall Invaders: How to Keep Your Attic Critter-Free 

When the temperature drops, it’s not just humans who are seeking shelter from the cold. Squirrels, raccoons, rats, and mice are also on the hunt for a warm, cozy spot to spend the winter—and your attic could become their new home if you’re not careful. By sealing entry points and teaming up with Modern Pest,… Read more »

Rodent Rascals: How To Determine If Mice or Squirrels Have Invaded Your Home 

Rodent Rascals: How To Determine If Mice or Squirrels Have Invaded Your Home 

Have you ever heard strange rustling sounds inside your walls and wondered what kind of critter might be causing the disturbance? While both mice and squirrels can make themselves unwelcome houseguests, knowing how to tell them apart is key to solving the problem quickly. By learning their different behaviors, sounds, and entry methods, you can… Read more »

Mouse Magnets: What’s Drawing Mice To Your Home

Mouse Magnets: What’s Drawing Mice To Your Home

Are you battling unexpected visitors in your home? Mice are incredibly adept at finding their way indoors, and the key to keeping them out is understanding what draws them in. Food, shelter, water, and easy access are the main attractions that can turn your cozy home into a rodent haven. By addressing these issues proactively,… Read more »

Seal the Deal: Essential Rodent-Proofing Tips for Fall

Seal the Deal: Essential Rodent-Proofing Tips for Fall

As the weather turns cooler, you might notice an uptick in rodent activity around your home. At Modern, our SMART data shows that rats and mice can be a problem throughout the year, but late summer and early fall are ideal times to tackle rodent-proofing. By doing some basic exclusion work and pairing it with… Read more »

Cats vs. Mice: Who’s Winning the Battle?

Cats vs. Mice: Who’s Winning the Battle?

Cats have been on mouse patrol for over ten thousand years, earning their keep with sharp claws and keen hunting instincts. Originally domesticated in the Middle East for their prowess, today’s cats have a reputation to uphold—but are they still up to the task? Are Cats Really Good for Mouse Control? You’ve probably heard someone… Read more »

Guard Your Garage: Protecting Vehicles From Rodent Damage

Guard Your Garage: Protecting Vehicles From Rodent Damage

Mice can cause serious damage to vehicles like cars, ride-on lawnmowers, snowmobiles, and ATVs. The warmth and darkness of an engine compartment make a perfect rodent sanctuary.  Chewing on your vehicle’s wiring offers mice a convenient way to keep their teeth trimmed right from the comfort of their nest. By the time you notice something… Read more »