Buying organic food, regular exercise and meditation are often considered some of the staples in healthy living and wellbeing. Yet, not as many people associate their home as a place that could harbor tiny little health threats.
For instance, many connect the word “pest,” to thoughts of – gross, creepy, and annoying. But in reality, most pests can be much more than a disgusting irritation. They can be a direct and indirect threat to you and your family’s health and wellbeing. That is because many pests, like fleas, mosquitoes and rats are a vector (or carrier) for human disease.
Here are some of the more common pests, and how they can negatively impact your health:
Unless you’re an entomologist, you probably already think cockroaches are gross, creepy and most definitely hideous. Besides their obvious ick factor, they can be a serious health risk. First off, they multiply quickly, therefore it does not take long for a few to turn into a full-blown infestation in no time. Roaches shed their skin and leave behind droppings and urine (everywhere!); which then quickly become airborne allergens. These particles can cause an allergic reaction to those who have asthma or who are otherwise sensitive to allergens – especially children. As if that were not enough, because they can sneak in through the smallest cracks, crevices, drains, vents and sewer pipes, they tend to contaminate other surfaces like your countertops & cupboards with bacteria and pathogens.
Mosquitoes. Are. Annoying. No two ways about it. And you probably are at least aware that mosquitoes can carry and transmit disease. As of late, the news has been plastered with stories about the mosquito-born illness, the Zika Virus. However, it is not often top of mind for many New Englanders, especially with our short summers and long cold winters, mosquito season is almost over, right after it starts. However, the diseases that mosquitoes are known to transmit in these parts are no laughing matter. West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis can cause serious illness in some, including encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), meningitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord) and some cases even death.
RELATED: Mosquito Viruses: Beyond Zika
Rodents are not always perceived as a serious health risk because to many; they are viewed as cute and having them around has almost become a way of life. The cold hard truth is those little, furry, beady-eyed critters are known to carry over thirty-five – yes, 35 diseases! These diseases are spread in a variety of ways, through bites, contaminated food/water (with rodent feces – ewww!), and from inhaling pathogens from rodent urine and droppings. Not so cute now – are they?
Bed bugs
Believe it or not, bed bugs are not known to transmit disease to humans! So why did they make the list, you ask? True, it is possible, that some individual may have an allergic reaction to their bite and any bug bite could become infected if you scratch it and introduce germs to the wound. However, overall even though bed bugs may not have much of an impact on our physical health, bedbugs are known to create mental health concerns which are very real issues that should not be ignored or disregarded. For instance, many people who have suffered through a bed bug infestation have developed insomnia, depression, social isolation and stress, just to name a few.
The Modern Solution
If you have a pest problem, don’t tackle it alone. Modern’s goal is to solve your pest problem while minimizing the amount of materials placed in and around your home. We do this through careful inspections, locating pest “hot spots,” as well as helping you to minimize conditions that promote pest activity in and around your home.
Keep your family safe from the health risks of pests. Give Modern a call today at 1-800-323-7378 or get an instant online quote for the comprehensive HomeCare Green program that controls 60 common pests, year-round!