By Melissa Hamel

The holiday season is upon us! Like many homeowners in Maine and across New England, you’re probably decking the halls, throwing another log on the fire and baking delicious holiday treats as well as anticipating welcoming friends and family into your home to celebrate the joyous season. By following some simple tips you can ensure your holiday season is filled with fun, laughter, and yuletide spirit and not with insects and rodents.
Holiday tips to help avoid pests
- Whether you buy a real Christmas tree or take your fake one out of storage, make sure you inspect your tree for spiders and other insects
- Decorations that were not packed away in sealed containers last year may have attracted insects, nesting mice and other pests so they should be carefully unpacked outdoors if possible
- Your woodpile should be kept well away from your home and off the ground to deter pest activity
- When baking, make sure you clean up crumbs and wipe counters and floors well
- Inspect flour and other baking supplies from the grocery store before your bring the items home to avoid Indian meal moths and other pantry pests from entering your home
- Inspect your guest’s luggage for bed bugs in the garage or outside, especially if they’ve arrived via airplane, bus or other public transportation
If a pest problem should arise over the holidays, contact Modern Pest Services at 1-800-323-7378. We are ready to help you get rid of mice, spiders and other house-infesting insects and rodents with our Home Care Green program, and we also offer a bed bug control program.