Video clips of bed bugs in the news

By Elaine Gammon

When it comes to bed bugs, you don’t have to look too far to find a news story written about these blood-sucking, nocturnal pests that are invading the nation and quite possibly a bedroom near you. But if you want  more visual evidence and need to “see to believe”, we’ve collected news clips from ABC News that provide more graphic details about bed bugs than you probably ever cared to witness.

Sit back and take a look at these short videos, but keep in mind that some of this stuff is downright creepy!

Modern Pest Services offers Thermal Remediation® or heat treatment for residential and commercial bed bug control, a safe and highly effective “green alternative” to conventional chemical treatments for this growing epidemic. This favored method destroys bed bugs by increasing the ambient temperature of the infested space to a lethal level. This is accomplished by using heaters to bring the temperature of a home, apartment, hotel room or any other space up to a range of 120-140 ºF. Since bed bugs have no defense against this extreme level of heat, this treatment will kill all life cycles of bed bugs, from eggs to adults.