Bats in the Belfry: How to get them out!


Bats in flight

Ok, so maybe you don’t have a belfry, but more commonly you may find that bats have snuck into your attic.  If you aren’t that interested in sharing your home with the bats because maybe you don’t like the idea of bats defecating in your home, soiling and tearing up insulation or bringing in parasites like mites, fleas and ticks… then read on!

First, we like to start by saying that solving a bat problem is no easy task.  Truthfully, doing it yourself, while possible, is not highly recommended. Trained experts are better equipped with the knowledge and tools to safely and humanely remove the bats, which is done through a process called exclusion.  The exclusion process means that bats will not be harmed in the process.  

Exclusion techniques include:

  • Bat flying in atticINSPECTION: Identifying wildlife travel routes. You will want to understand where and how they are getting in and assess the damage.  
  • SEALING:  Bats have several entry points, so it is important to seal all possible active entry/exit points around entire roofline from gutter to peak of roof, including dormers, ridge vents, louver vents, flashing, rake boards and large openings.  By sealing off all the tiny cracks ahead of the exclusion will prevent them from getting back in.
  • EXCLUSION: Installing one-way doors at suspected exit points, which will be removed once animals are no longer present.  This is easier said than done.  Expert installation is required to allow bats to fly out but not fly back in.  Once bats are 100% gone the remaining holes should be sealed up.
  • Bat GuanoCLEAN UP:  Now the messy part… because bat droppings and urine can cause damage like mold, corrosion and other issues, the contaminated area should be cleaned.  This can involving vacuuming, insulation replacement and more.  Of course, biohazard suits and protective gear will be required to protect yourself.

RELATED: Thermal acoustical pest control insulation (TAP) – What is it?

Now that you understand the process of getting bats out of your home, are you still thinking you want to handle the problem on your own?  If so, be sure to do your research and check with your local wildlife control to learn about any laws that protect bat species in your state… and make sure you’re NOT afraid of heights!

If you are looking for a professional to help you with the task, Modern Pest Services Wildlife professionals are knowledgeable and highly trained on wildlife habits, biology, exclusion techniques, home construction and damage repair.  The Wildlife Team at Modern is committed to resolving your nuisance wildlife issues as quickly, effectively and safely as possible.  

Call 1-800-323-7378 or contact us for a FREE Wildlife Inspection and quote today!